Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Music video analyzed 4

Going Under - Evanescence:

At the being of the video Amy Lee is looking at the ground, but as she begins to sing, she raises her head and glares at something off screen; the audience would think this to be how she is talking to. The way in which she does this shows the audience that she has been quiet and patient before, but now she has had enough, and she is going to do something about it.

It then jumps between Amy having her makeup put on and Amy under water. The makeup scene shows the audience that Amy has moved on and become a strong woman. The water scene confirms this as she isn’t panicking or struggling in any way; they used this scene to help visualise her change in character and to visualise the song lyrics, for the audience. You may disagree with me when I said that she doesn’t struggle when under water because she screams a few times, but I think that they are to be seen more as screams of frustration and not a cry for help.

We then see a man being interviewed by the press, and he doesn’t seem happy about it; the reason for using this scene isn’t very clear yet, so the audience would assume that he is who Amy is singing about. The shots jump between him and a big group of fans with their hands in the air. Then shots of Amy walking down a corridor are added to the mix, the audience make the connection of the fans being hers.

Coming back to the guy, after a little time he can’t see straight and they use some effects on the people that he is looking at to make it seem that he is losing his mind. This visualises him losing his mind, some would think it is down to ‘losing’ Amy, but I think it might be down him regretting what he’s down.

Then Amy walks out on the stage and it is confirmed that the fans there to hear her, but she has a small hallucination, which shows that this is effecting her almost as much as it’s effecting the guy. But she still doesn’t miss a lyric.

Amy is seen as really getting into the song, this is seen as her comfort being her fans and audiences.

She dives onto the audience, which catch her and the scene changes to her jumping under water, this again visualises the lyrics. But it is when she surfaces from the water (a bite later in the video), and comes up out of the crowd that confirms her comfort is being with her fans.

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