Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Digipak analyzed 3


All that I could find of Dommin’s album ‘Love is gone’ is the front cover, but that’s fine because the cover of a digipack is the most important part of the whole digipack, this is due to the fact that the first thing that is seen of the digipack is the cover, so it has to get the interest of the audience from the first glance. I also wanted to analyse this digipack because the cover of it tell a story of the songs that are on the dice.

The title is big and a striking white against the deep blue background. The deep blue of the background and the old styled writing of the title tie’s the digipack in with the Gothic genre. Also the bold letters used for the name of the album, relates to how Goths don’t care about what people think of them as they be themselves all the time.

The background image is of an old, warren, faded piece of paper that has been folded and slightly crumpled with time; this also works with the Gothic genre as they like to use old fashioned parchments. The tears in the paper could visualise the rough time that they spent in love, and how they themselves were slowly torn apart to the point where they no longer love each other. The paper is most faded around the stem of the white rose; this creates contrast between the background and the rose so that the rose stands out as the top image. The black stem of the rose is a visual represents the dying love that we have been told about through the name of to album; which is shown through the white petals of the rose too.

Red roses symbolise love and passion, roses on their own could also be seen as symbolising love and passion but white roses symbolises purity. So one might think that the white rose is showing their pure love, but with everything else that the cover has told us, the white rose is more likely to be visualising their lives being purified from the love that they once had.

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