Good points:
- They link together well
- All the needed information is there
- Suits genre
- Suits both genders
- I like thee colour scheme
Bad points:
- some of the text is would be easier to read if it was bigger
Good point:
- Suits the gener
- Links to the supporting media texts
- Highly detailed
- I like how the text is broken up by size and colour
- I like how the digipak cover is part of the background and not just placed in the corner, it looks more like it belones there.
- The fonts are cool
- some of the text can be too small
Good points:
- The design is very cool and professional, the colours compliment each other well.
- I like the font used as it adds a cold-ish feel.
- All necessary information is dis-plaid
- Possible size or colour change for the small print? this could make it more clear.
Good points:
- Suits the genre
- Cool 3D effect on the wolf on the inside page
- Highly detailed
- I like the old papers that were used for the backgrounds
- I like the fonts
- The link to supporting media texts
- Suits both genders
- Change some of the fonts, if not change their size
Good points:
- Suits the genre
- Like the colour scheme
- I like the 3D effect that was given to the wolves
- I also like the drawnings o the wolves themself
Good Points:
- Same colour scheme through out.
- Same font.
- Gives a gothic feel
- The CD is very basic and this works well.
- The back of the Digipak is very intricate and detailed yet simple.
- The inside of hidden side is very nice and the fact you can tell it is hand drawn makes it effective and even more gothic.
- I don't think it can be improved to be honest as it is very simple and effective.
- If there was anything to improve i would say maybe more shading on the wolf.